Compounding for Reptiles
Compounding for Reptiles
Fungal infections are often found in reptiles that are kept under suboptimal environmental conditions such as too high or too low temperature and humidity, lack of hygiene, and exposure to chronic stressors such as overcrowding and improper cage design. In many cases, mixed bacterial and fungal infections are present, requiring both antimicrobial and antifungal therapies. In snakes and lizards, the most common site of fungal infection is the integumentary system (“skin”) . Systemic mycoses in reptiles most commonly affect the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal system.
Therapy of fungal infection in reptiles should last for a minimum of 2 to 4 weeks and be accompanied by supportive care such as fluids and nutritional support. The prognosis for recovery is moderate. Topical antifungals are used to treat local, superficial fungal lesions; however, treatment of systemic fungal infections requires systemic therapy. Azoles (including itraconazole and ketoconazole), amphotericin B, and nystatin are most commonly used. Due to nystatin’s distinct taste, successful administration may depend upon choice of an appropriate flavor and dosage form. Since extreme variations exist among the numerous species of lizards, snakes, and crocodilians, it is understandable why substantial variations in drug efficacy and toxicities exist when an attempt is made to extrapolate doses from one species to another.
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