Urine Spraying in Cats
Treatment for Urine Spraying in Cats
Urine spraying is a cat’s way of marking territory, and is unrelated to normal urination. Most common in non-neutered males and multi-cat households, the spraying of urine on vertical surfaces like drapes and furniture is his way of identifying “his” property or covering the scent of other cats. Prior to treatment, a veterinarian will typically perform an exam to rule out any physical cause.
Administration of fluoxetine hydrochloride (the active ingredient in Prozac®) for treatment of urine spraying in cats can be expected to considerably reduce the rate of urine marking. Researchers recommend that most cats should be treated more than eight weeks before treatment is withdrawn. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial studied 17 neutered cats more than 1 year old with objectionable urine spraying behavior. The medication dosage for each cat was individualized and fish-flavored by a compounding pharmacy. The average number of spraying episodes per week in treated cats was 8.6 at the start of the study and decreased significantly to an average of less than one episode per week after 8 weeks of fluoxetine therapy. The mean weekly spraying rate of cats receiving placebo did not decline. The main adverse reaction to the drug was a reduction in food intake.
Copyright 2002, Storey Marketing – Veterinary Website Updates. Reproduction prohibited without subscription from Storey Marketing (814-337-3441). Questions regarding this article should be directed to the compounding professionals at Martin Avenue Pharmacy, Inc.