About Custom Medications

  • Sumo

Not too many pharmacists can say they’ve received a thank you note from a family of gorillas; but Thomas G. Marks R.Ph. can. Working with both the Brookfield Zoo and San Francisco Zoo veterinarians on different occasions, the chief pharmacist / president of Martin Avenue Pharmacy, was able to compound a fruit flavored anti-biotic suspension for two families of gorillas with debilitating bronchitis. After a week on the medication, the gorilla’s condition improved and today they continue to greet the visiting public with a strong leap across the exhibit.

Sports Medicine

Batters Up! Sports medicine is another area served by compounding pharmacists, today. Naperville, Illinois Pharmacist Thomas G. Marks of Martin Avenue Pharmacy Inc. works closely with the Chicago White Sox, various NFL teams throughout the nation, as well as the Enforcers, Chicago’s XFL football team. Whether it’s eye drops or topical creams, pain management solutions or transdermal gels, compounding pharmacists can provide athletes and trainers with a full range of customized medication options.

tv_buttonbHospice Care

Palliative or hospice care can provide some of the most gratifying experiences as a compounding pharmacist. The ability to make someone’s final days more comfortable can help not only the patient, but their families as well. Thomas Marks R.Ph. works with hospice groups in his community, providing patients with dosage options such as topical creams, transdermal gels, suppositories and lollipops for those patients who cannot swallow capsules. Martin Avenue Pharmacy’s team of pharmacists has served patients with decubitus ulcers, and compounding topical creams to relieve pain.