Pet Solutions

  • Sumo

Whether feathered, furry, or purrrrfectly pampered… we provide solutions for “man’s best friends”

Do you have problems getting your pet to take a needed medication? Working together with veterinarians and pet owners, we compound customized medications in the best size, shape, consistency, and flavor for each animal. Our specialized equipment allows us to prepare concentrated oral solutions; flavored medicated treats; pastes; dusting powders; nail, hoof and beak preparations; ear drops, and much more – just let us know what you need. For example, we flavor medicine in tutti fruitti for birds, banana for exotics, beef or liver for dogs, and tuna or fish for cats.

As an alternative to oral administration, medications can be compounded into a transdermal cream or gel which can be applied to the inner surface of the ear or a hairless area such as the inside of the leg or abdomen. The drug can then be absorbed through the skin, avoiding the need to administer oral medication.

Giving ear drops to an animal can be very challenging. We can prepare an
adherent ear gel, or a drop without alcohol that may be much more pleasant for your pet.

Problems with licking? We can compound a bitter-tasting solution which
can be sprayed onto a wound or over stitches to discourage an animal from licking the area.

Let us help you solve these and other medication problems.

Copyright 2001, Storey Marketing – Veterinary Website Updates. Reproduction prohibited without subscription from Storey Marketing (814-337-3441). Questions regarding this article should be directed to the compounding professionals at Martin Avenue Pharmacy, Inc.